Love Really Does Transcend All Boundaries
Love is at the very center of the Universe. It neither wanes nor disappears through time or neglect. What is the one thing that connects us all from every corner of the earth? It is love. Love transcends all things when transition takes place. It is unending. It is our legacy, given from the divine so we can experience the essence of divinity.
Then it makes perfect sense that we live on. Aside from my gift of mediumship, I have seen this in my own life. In 1999 my father made his transition after spending 46 years married to my mother. That same year, a gifted friend of mine from Florida said that she was receiving messages from a man she described as my father. (She had never met him.) In one particular message, he referred her to the Bible passage from the Song of Songs, Chapter 8, and verse 6 and dictated this message to be given to my mother. “Seal me in your heart with permanent betrothal for love is strong as death. It flashes fire the very flame of Jehovah. Many waters cannot quench the flame of love neither can the floods drown it.” It was such a comfort to her in her grief, and let us know how much more he had learned about love after his transition. (She keeps a copy of that passage on her wall.)
I have been very blessed to have the gift to connect with those that have physically moved on from this time and space. The doorway opens for me so that I may share this message with those who seek the knowledge. When I communicate with my own guides and with those departed souls who visit me during the course of my readings there is always a consistent theme to their messages. They speak of love. The statement is strong: love remains. It is what continues from each lifetime to lifetime in all our journeys. It all comes back to this. No matter what the experience.
I have experienced it for myself and I experience it for others. It is quite real. Sometimes I am surrounded and filled with the essence of love from the departed. It is so strong that I can be in the middle of a sentence during a reading and then the next thing I know I am overwhelmed and sobbing with joy for the reunion of souls through the doorway of life and death. I gladly and willingly pass this on to my clients.
When one crosses over, they relinquish the pettiness and foolishness, many of the expressions and feelings that were present in the flesh. There is no jealousy, or hatred. What comes through is tolerance, and compassion, understanding and (of course) love. They seem to “get it”. What was once a struggle to express is no longer so difficult.
If a departed loved one has an important message to convey, he or she will find a way to see that it is delivered. Sometimes I am just the right frequency. One day, while giving readings as a psychic fair, I felt “pushed” towards a client that was receiving a reading with another gifted psychic. I was feeling quite conflicted because I didn’t want to be rude. There are unspoken rules of ethics that are evidently over-ridden by the universe. I was being nagged. It was a special delivery that simply had to be delivered.
I asked for guidance, with a request that I be relieved of this task. When I went on a quick break, I was “told” there would be another way. I found that a bit odd, but then discovered that there was another person milling around the store that strongly felt like a relative of this client. This relative seemed drawn to get a reading. Low and behold, she chose to sign up for a reading with me! (I love the way the universe works, when there is “something afoot!”) I was also relieved, as I knew I would now have the opportunity to pass this message along.
As soon as she sat down, I told her that there was a message to be delivered. The message was simple. “Tell the children that I really DID love them.” She looked at me, and began to cry. This was a situation where the parent had been estranged for a long time, and had been less than attentive to his children for most of their lives. She responded, “You cannot know how much this means to my family!” The parent had passed several weeks prior, and had left many things that needed to be taken care of. The children had felt hurt and resentful to have to take this responsibility for someone they did not felt loved them. Their father found a way to have the message delivered because it was something unfinished for all of them. The message was simple: “love is what is important.” They received the unsolicited answer to what had hurt them for so many years and what may have been the greater blessing is that their father was able to convey simple words that could bring about the healing and soul connection that had been lacking for all of them.. Now I knew why the one who passed was so insistent! The message had a strong impact on the lives of the ones left behind. Healing can be done from the other side. Those that pass understand the nature and expression of love.
As a medium, I have been very fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to learn so much from the experiences of connecting people to those who have passed. Love transcends the boundaries of life and death of the body, but part of the message is that one should not wait until a loved one passes to express and allow love in their lives. With love all is possible and we can truly experience heaven on earth.
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