Use Your Intuition in Relationships
You do not have to be labeled an intuitive (or psychic) to use your intuition. We all have this ability. Intuitive gifts have been part of our makeup since the dawn of man. The problem is that as our lives have gotten so complicated over time. We have more distractions, and live at a frenetic pace. Our minds are filled with the every day stuff and that’s why your intuition “button is often in the off position!” It is the mind chatter that causes you to push away or become deaf to the intuitive voice and abilities you already have. Further, intuition or the “sixth sense” is not tangible and is difficult to measure. However, even the most skeptical or what some call “grounded” people actually use their intuition on a daily basis. You may scoff at this idea, but it’s true. It seems that the only time intuition is used is if someone you love is in some type of danger. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can use your intuition as often as you like. This ability can be used in your relationships.
You may have to stifle a groan when I say that you must exercise and practice this ability. Most of us do not have the good fortune to have been born with a strong lean body, strong muscles and a wonderful metabolism. So, you need to practice your intuition and exercise your abilities. Even as a professional psychic I test myself and sharpen and stretch my skills.
Contact Brenda
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