Keeping Connections
Now that the holidays are finished, and the New Year has begun, many of us are uncertain of what the New Year will bring for us. Even as a psychic I can assure you that I experience the same feelings!
When I considered what to write for this issue, spirit kept putting this word in my head and in front of my face. Connection. Keeping, maintaining, and reaching out for connection. Connection with Spirit. Connection with loved ones, friends, and with new people that come into our lives during our daily activities.
Unlike many New Year’s resolutions we struggle to keep, Connection does not require that you ignore your cravings or go through physical withdrawal. But it does require you to reach outward with your mind, your heart, and your spirit.
It seems that for many of us, the winter season makes it difficult for us to keep our connections. It’s cold, and dark, and the weather may be a challenge so we’ll choose to “hole up” in our homes and apartments. Ok, but what are we doing to keep from feeling disconnected? It is funny how many of us doing the very opposite of what we need to do to uplift the spirit to chase away the winter doldrums. MAKE CONNECTIONS.
In this year 2005, we have more ways to make connections than ever in the history of man. And yet, I see so many of us struggling with feeling disconnected. In order to make connection there needs to be at least two ends. Sure, you can wait and see if someone will connect with you. I suggest that we take the first step. Reach out and literally make the connection. Charity is not the only thing that begins at home. So does connection. Make the effort to connect with your partner, your children. If you feel there’s no time, you’re wrong. There is always time to work on this. No one said it would not take work. It does, but the rewards are tenfold! So what if you have to schedule a family dinner! It’s worth the effort. Set aside some time with your partner to share. If that doesn’t work or if you’re feeling blue, call, fax, write or email someone! Keep the connections going, it’s easy to let time slip away. How about reestablishing old connections from the past? Perhaps you can seek out a long, lost relative and go on a treasure hunt for knowledge. (The internet is great for research.) At the very least, when you are at the grocery store, smile at someone. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll get a smile back. (Sometimes I like to conduct my own experiment to see how many people will smile back at me.) Will you have success each and every time, probably not. Don’t get discouraged, keep going! Because the more you reach out, the better the return you will have.
During readings I often am asked the question: “How do you know you’re on your spiritual path?” One of the initial and most profound ways is that you no longer see yourself alone and separate from others. You know and feel in “your heart of hearts” and deep in the soul that we are all part of the divine, and all part of one another. Connected to one another.
Most recently, I had the opportunity to see and experience connection and how it can truly transform the spirit. I was in a discussion group where several of us did not know each other well or at all. One of the participants noticed one person in the group was looking sad, and asked what was wrong. When the person told the group what was going on, we all stood up, and asked if we could offer a hug to help. Each one of us took turns making a heart to heart connection. (I think hugs are better than chicken soup when you are in need!) The person in pain, although a bit overwhelmed, expressed that it felt so good. It could not solve the problem being grappled with, but feeling connected gave a moment of rest, comfort, and safety. There was an uplifting of the spirit all of us could feel. It literally transformed all the individuals in the group in that moment. Many were moved to tears.
What about connection to spirit? Begin with asking for the divine’s help. You will NOT be denied help, ever. Even if it feels awkward, working on establishing a relationship with the Creator is the most profound way to connect. You may not “catch” the answers but they are there for you. (Remember at the beginning of the article it took this stubborn person a few times to catch the subject to write about!) Trust that you will get help. Help may come in the form of reading from another’s experiences with spiritual connection. Now is a great time to go to a library or a bookstore and select a book or books (not too many) that moves you on your path of spirituality.
March and April’s article will be devoted to more on connecting with spirit.
May you find the joy of connection now and always. Brenda
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